Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ethcis of Stem Cell Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethcis of Stem Cell - Research Paper ExampleAnderson looks at the ethics and religious capitulums of vox populi on the subject. He describes how different religions feed different views as to when emotional state begins. Some Hindus for represent entertain the stance that life begins at 3 months after conception. Other individuals would differentiate between an embryo concieved in a human relationship and this laboratory act of creation. Ideas have altered over time. Thomas Aquinus for instance held the view, put forward earlier by Aristotle, that life began 40 days after conception.. Anderson goes on to point out that there are a number of different ideas involved. First , purely biological life which begins at conception. Secondly animation, i.e the point at which an embryo begins to move independently. Thirdly what he describes as ensoulment i.e. the theological point at which an embryo can considered to have a soul. He also discusses such things as value - does an enceinte invalid have more value than a few cells in a pertrie dish? Anderson points out the Roman Catholic Churchs stance which is that governments have an obligation to protect the vulnerable. Surely this obligation should extend to the severely ill as well as those groups of laboratory bred cells? Duffy, D., ( 2002) Background and Legal Issues Related to Stem Cell Research, Congressional Research Service, Almanac of insurance Issues, Duffy claims that human embryonic stem cells (HESC) from embryos in their earliest stage of development are believed to be open to transform themselves into differing body cell types than any adult stem cells. Research has therefore centered upon the possible that these cells have for the treatment to treat or mitigate the effects of various diseases as well as generating tissues which could be used to replace faulty cells or even organs. Duffy describes various sources for such cells. These are angiotensin converting enzyme week old blastocysts created v ia in vitrio fertilization embryos of from 5 to 9 weeks obtained through elective abortion processes embryos created in vitro purely for research purposes embryos created by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) i.e. cloning and finally adult stem cells such as those from bone marrow ore the umbilical cord.. Because the harvesting of such master cells involves the demolition of human embryos it has met much opposition by those who feel it is unjustified slaughter of potential human beings. It mustiness however be pointed out that these are embryos bred in a laboratory and which whould never have scrape into existance otherwise, so this is very different from an abortion done perhaps only for reasons of social convenience. In 2002 , accord to Duffy, the American Government announced that, with a number of restrictions, federal funds would be made addressable for stem cell research, but this would be with established strains.

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