Thursday, April 4, 2019

Population Geography Essay

Population geography Essay consciousness Population GeographyCrystal MullenWhat did you learn this week that you did not k right off before or that you set up interesting? What outside resources did you use this week?I remember growing up in the 70s and 80s the stipulation Zero Population. At the time, I didnt really know what it meant except a frontier to encourage teenagers to use experience control and thereby avoid having children while theyre still a child as well. As it turns out I wasnt that off the beaten track(predicate) off from my view of the concept. It genuinely originated by the prime pastor of Singapore in 1972. He was concerned that his island country was facing over common wealthiness with its circulating(prenominal) count of 1 million people. So he legalized abortion and sterilization and banned maternity premeditation and benefits for women who have more than than than two children. However by the mid-1980s, the Singapores family pass judgment plummet ed to below the levels that be needful to replenish the community. The prime ministers plan to reduce his countrys population backfired because the abortions performed in the country were terminated more than one(a)-third of all the countrys pregnancies. This lead the prime minister to reverse his polity in 1990 to encourage multiple births for mothers under 28 by offering longsighted term tax rebates and thereby restore population loss suffered in Singapore (Getis, Bjelland, Getis, 2014, p. 111).This reversal of policy is an example of an unbending population reality how a countrys infrastructure is controlled today allow determine how it is controlled in the future. This means the size, characteristics, migrations and even growing trends be what determines the overall wellness of those yet to be born. This information is necessary when considering the locations and scraps of people as it reachs to the necessary background to all of the aspects of population geographic s (Getis, Bjelland, Getis, 2014, p. 111).Population geographics is an aspect of humanity geographics. This branch of geography focuses scientifically studies people in their spacial distributions and the density (Briney, 2014). Population geography provides geographers and scientists with the theories and concepts need to better comprehend and thereby forecast the composition, size, and the distribution of human population (Getis, Bjelland, Getis, 2014, p. 111). In order for population geographers to need this factors, they review the information that documents the increase and return in an land of population, general settlement patterns, peoples movements over time, and even topics like occupation. This is what develops the geographic character of a cross role (Briney, 2014). Population geography is well-nigh related and yet differs from demography. Demography statistically studies human population as well, however, demography is more concerned with spatial analysis pa ttern, location, and density. Instead, population geography studies a regions resources such as standard of living, frugal development, and food supply as they change a populations health and well-being. These characteristics are the all-important(a) ingredients for human population geography (Getis, Bjelland, Getis, 2014, p. 111).Population geography is a large branch in the geography tree. It contains quite a few different topics that relate to the arenas population issues. The first of these topics is called population distribution. Population distribution is described as the study of where people are choosing (or not choosing) to live. Our homos population tends to be quite uneven. Some regions are considered to be rude and are thereby sparsely live. Meanwhile, other locations that are more urban are consequently more densely populated. In order to learn more about population distribution population geographers practically study past population distributions of that reg ions people so that they pile understand how and wherefore certain spatial locations areas have blossomed into major urban centers we have today. Sparsely populated areas are usually harsh places to live such as areas in Alaska, Siberia, and Canadas northern territories. On the other hand, densely populated areas like Hong Kong, or cities such as late York City or Los Angeles, California are far more hospitable.A second topic in population geography is population density. While closely related to population distribution, population density however studies a region to determine the average number of people that live in an area. This is done by dividing the number of people that currently live that area by total area available. These numbers usually are noted as persons per square cubic centimeter or persons per square kilometer.Population density are often affected by several factors which, coincidentally, are often subjects of population geographers study. These factors tend to relate to the populations physical environment such as topography and climate. For example, regions with harsh climates such as Californias Death Valley are thereby sparsely populated. Other factors that affect population density can also be related to the regions political environments as well as the social, economic culture of an area. For example, Singapore and Tokyo have mild climates with healthy political, social, and economic and are thereby densely populated.Another area of study for population geographers consists of overall population proceeds as well as changes in population. This topic is of great interest to population geographers because the population of the world has grown so dramatically since the 1800s. In order to properly study overall population growth, population geographers study the populations areas natural increase birth place as well as cobblers last rates. The number of infants born per 1000 people in the areas population any year is considered the b irth rate. Likewise the number of stopping points per 1000 individuals every year is considered the death rate.Historically speaking, the increase rate of population used to naturally be near zero. This didnt mean that no one being born nor that no one was dying. Actually, this meant that the areas births roughly equaled the areas deaths. However, umteen regions now host populations with that are living much longer because of access to better health premeditation as well as higher standards of living. These factors have reduced the overall death rate. Birth rates are now known to either increase or decrease based on the wealth of the nation. For example, birth rates are actually lower in developed nations. However, in developing nations, the birth rate is still high. Therefore, the population of the world has grown tremendously.Along the same lines of natural increase, population geographers study population changes as it relates to a populations net migration for an area (Briney , 2014). They compare and contrast data found in a populations in-migration and out-migration patterns. Therefore, a regions overall rate of growth or population change is the result of a populations natural increase as well as their net migration.Finally, though certainly not exhaustively, an essential tool in population geography that is essential to the study of growth rates around the world as well as changes in population is called the demographic transition model. This model looks at the quatern bes of a countrys development and considers how population changes are thereby affected. The first stage of a countrys development takes place when the new countrys birth rates and death rates are both high, resulting in a small amount of natural increase and an equally small population. The second stage of a countrys development reveals an increase in birth rates and a decrease in death rates resulting in a high growth period in the population (surprisingly, this is normally the st age where least developed countries actually fail). The third stage of a countrys development show a change in trends with a decrease in birth rate as well as a decreasing death rate, thereby once again slowing down the growth of that countrys population growth. The fourth and final stage of a countrys development shows a balance in birth and death rates both being low, resulting in a low natural increase (Briney, 2014). I can see how using a demographic transition model enables population geographers forecast the future health and wellbeing of a nation by studying the four stages of development that nation experienced.Conclusion after(prenominal) reviewing the concepts of population geography, I have a better understanding of the actions of the Singapores prime minister in 1972. While I dont agree with his extreme measures of limiting care for more than two children per family and legalizing abortions and sterilizations, I can see how charting a countrys birth and death rates and considering how those numbers affect his nations resources could lead him to believe his nation would be picked clean by an over-abundance of his own people and for the good of his nation, At the same time, I can see how population geography was at the heart of prime ministers reversal of policy because he can now see how his policies were leaving his country vulnerable to constant poverty because there simply were not tolerable citizens avail to care for and protect their land. Therefore, I have a better appreciation of how population geography is used to study health and well-being of a population anywhere in the world.ReferencesBriney, A. (2014). Population Geography An Overview of Population Geography. Retrieved February 1, 2014, from http//, A., Bjelland, M., Getis, V. (2014). Chapter 5, Population Geography. In A. Getis, M. Bjelland, V. Getis, Introduction to Geography 14th Editio n (p. 111). New York McGraw Hil.

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